Friday, December 11, 2015

C. Astolfi Musicianship Classes INFO

I'm writing to let you know that I am teaching "get ahead" classes on Saturday, January 2nd.  This is a make-up day for the school.  I will be needing to take off two days this spring for school functions.  As a result, I teach classes that allow me to not "fall behind."

The classes will be as follows:

11am                     B Week: Grave
11:45am               A Week: Lento 1
12:30pm               A Week: Lento 2

Regularly scheduled A Week classes will resume on Saturday, 1/9.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Viola & Cello Harvest Dress Rehearsal CHANGE!

Violas @ 1:30 in the Concert Hall
Cellos @ 2:15 in Concert Hall join
Rehearsal will be over by 3:30pm (younger students done earlier)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

C. Astolfi Musicianship make ups!

6/6        A Week            9am
6/13      B Week            9am
6/20      A & B Weeks    9am & 9:45am

Friday, March 13, 2015

No C. Astolfi musicianship class tomorrow 3/14

3/14      NO CLASS
3/21      A Week
4/4        Spring Break
4/11      Spring Break
4/18      B Week

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Saturday 1/24 Orchestra Schedule

NO REHEARSAL @ 11:15 or 12

WARMUP in ROOM 124 at 2:30 (Festival Strings)
2:50 (Concert Strings)
CONCERT at 3:30pm

Wear SA Uniform--white top/black bottom