Additional Info

Student Recommendations
1) You need to give the person you are asking for the rec from at least two weeks advance notice of the deadline.  A month is better especially for college recs.

2) You need to present the person you are asking with a typed, instruction sheet or form (preferably a copy of what is on the actual application).  Included in this should be EXACTLY what it is you are applying for.

3) You need to provide the person you are asking to do the rec with your recent bio, resume, and/or list of accomplishments.  The person may want to refer to these in specifics in the rec.  you can't expect that person to know exact of your accomplishments, etc therefore you need to provide a complete list of anything relevant.  Be sure this includes your full name, age/grade, and school name.  Also to be extra helpful, include the date when you first met the person writing the rec.

4) For a mail in rec, you need to provide an addressed, stamped envelope.

5) For a web based rec, be sure to include the exact web address.

6) For recs for scholarships for undesignated purposes, please include info on how you plan to use the dollars.

How To Write a Musical Bio

1) Always in third person.  First sentence always starts with you full name followed by your age or grade and either where you live or where you go to school (or both).

2) Every sentence after that alternates between a pronoun (he or she) and only your first name to refer to yourself.  After age 16, you should use Ms. X or Mr. X instead of your first name.

3) Second sentence should include how long you have been playing and who you study with and where (ie Honors Program student of X at The Music School of Delaware).

4) Next part should list all of your musical awards and accomplishments.

5) Next part should list current and past musical groups, events, and camps of significance that you have participated in.

6) Lastly, you can briefly mention any other interests or accomplishments of significance.

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