Thursday, September 22, 2011

10/2 GPSA Play-in Carpool

This could be an option if parents are willing to host a carpool, and if there's any students who need a ride to this event--please let your private teacher know ASAP if you're interested!


Please pick up at the front desk.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Primrose Group Class Repertoire Schedule:

10/1 Ana solo-- Witches' Dance
Everyone: Book 1 duet parts (Minuet 2, Etude, Allegro, Long Long Ago, O Come Little Children). We may also learn French Folk Song together, which Schuyler will bring to class.
10/15 Joseph solo-- Mozart Minuet
Everyone: Book 1 duets, esp. Minuet 2 and Etude. Mozart Minuet, Bach Gavotte in g minor, Witches' Dance.
10/29 Jhordan solo-- Gavotte in g minor (Bach)
Everyone: Handel Bourree, Hunter's Chorus, Happy Farmer, Gossec Gavotte, any book 1 duets that need review.
11/12 Schuyler solo-- Handel Bourree
Everyone: Run-through of entire concert

Friday, September 16, 2011


Please email Shelley, our dept. head at if you are a new student and never wrote your child's name and T-shirt size on our Uniform Shirt list (it was just a piece of notebook paper). If you were at the New Parent education session, then chances are you signed the list. Please let Shelley know your child's name and shirt size.

RETURNING Students--if you need a new shirt size because your child has outgrown his/hers, please email Shelley at with your child's shirt size.

Monday, September 12, 2011

CHANGE on GROUP Schedule! Add 3/31 under "A Week"

3/31 will be an "A Week" Group week.


Cello classes will be held as usual on Sept. 17th ("B" Week). This is a change from the master schedule. Please make a note of it in your calendar.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Join the SUZUKI ALL STARS TEAM for this year's 5K!

The Music School will be hosting another 5K fundraiser this year. Those who participated last year can vouch for how much fun it was. Plus it supports a great cause - OUR music school. Please see the link below for the SUZUKI ALL STARS TEAM info.