Friday, February 24, 2012

2/26 Recitals Receptions

Please bring the following for your recital reception to leave in 118:

Book 5+ students: napkins or small paper plates
Vivaldi & Bach Group Classes, & Cello book 1 : drink boxes or bottled water
Everyone else: a snack to share

Monday, February 20, 2012

3/3 Suzuki Orchestras Change!

Suzuki Orchestras will meet at the following times on Sat 3/3:

Concert Strings: 11:15am-12pm
Festival Strings: 12pm-12:45pm

If you have conflicts with these times due to groups or lessons, I understand. This is a special circumstance, and if you MUST be absent this day, it will not count against you as your 2 allowed absences.